Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 104

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 104

AFTER READING OF THE LOST PHARAOH’S WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO BELIEVE that these early Master Builders of this Adamic Race just sat down in Egypt after their great building venture in that land, and stayed in their rocking chairs until they died and were buried? Or would you be willing to accept as we do the evidence that these Master Builders and some of their descendants moved on leaving others to Administrate what they had set in order in Egypt while they fulfilled their Destiny in other places?

As we were searching for more records of the past, Jeanette found in the Library of the Kansas University this book called, “The Druids”, and here it is stated that this was a study in Keltic History. Of course we were interested in seeing as to what this author, T.D. Kendrick M.A., Department of British and Medieval Antiquities, of the British Museum would have to say about the Ancient Druids of Britain.

As we have outlined for you before there were Druids in Britain long before the coming of the Kelts, but our author struggled through several chapters in his book pointing out that this study of Druidism is a general knowledge of THE RACIAL HISTORY AND PREHISTORY, AS WELL AS THE SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE OF THE EARLY GALLIC AND BRITISH CIVILIZATION. He however found it difficult to establish the distant past because tradition is laughed at in the modern world. He did point out that the word MAGI is associated with the word DRUID, then added that this does not mean much to a sophisticated Modern student. You will recall that Dr. Swift told us that the Druids as well as the Magi were a part of the Ancient ‘Light Carriers’ of the race, and in that category we would place them as interesting.