Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1998

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1998

1997 WENT OUT THE DOOR. IT IS GONE. WITH JANUARY WE BEGAN TO LOOK FOR NEW THINGS. The heavens are still displaying our Father’s handy work. We believe as did the Israelites of old, that these of from time to time messages in the sky. For the sun, moon, stars, and planets were for us to see and be as signs displayed in the sky. Thus we seek to find if we can read the message written there. For the prophets under guidance of the Holy Spirit, recorded this passage through the darkness of America in this end time so as we would know what to look for. What to expect, as we pass through this end time experience as we advance from this trap of ‘one worldness’ into the kingdom age.

Perhaps we need to stop and review a bit as to what has happened and where we go next.

I have been out of the main life for a while. The lung is seeming to work good now. I do not care to do that trick over again. But I did meet a lot of nice people who work very hard to try to help you back on the track to good health.

My Identity kids, of course, have been wonderful through this rough time. We are into winter weather, of course, and that has to be contended with.

As we look back on 1997, we remember Hale-Bopp and its message. We watched it disappear into the Southern sky from which it will go back out into space to rest until it is given another mission. Before Hale-Bopp, we had the comet Hyatake in its short run pointing out the ‘Sheep folds’ of the Bible picture. With Hale-Bopp pointing out the Biblical story as found in the ancient ‘Star Bible’ we began as a people to awaken a bit.