The Entangling Alliance of Jews and Christians

The Entangling Alliance of Jews and Christians

ONE OF THE STRANGEST AND MOST INEXPLICABLE MOVEMENTS IN TWO THOUSAND YEARS OF CHRISTIAN HISTORY HAS BEEN DEVELOPING RAPIDLY AND ALMOST IMPERCEPTIBLY IN OUR MIDST AT THIS TIME. Scan the Judeo-Christian notes and news items of lectures in any large daily newspaper for abundant evidence of the reality and growth of an amazing confederacy of Jews and Christians. Jewish rabbis are frequent speakers in Judeo-Christian pulpits. The National Conference of Christians and Jews has become a going concern which influences the policy for the major portion of American Protestantism.

Unthinking Judeo-Christian laymen accept this situation without even feeling the need of a shock absorber. To them it seems a friendly gesture based upon brotherly love and mutual goodwill. Yet the scriptures tell us:
“Thou Shalt Make No Covenant with Them, nor with their gods. THey Shall Not Dwell in Thy Land, Lest They Make Thee Sin against Me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.” (Exodus 23:32-33)

Judeo-Christian ministers and laymen sit at the feet of rabbis today rejoicing that they are not as the narrow-minded publicans and sinners. They feel virtuous and proud because of what they term their liberality and tolerance. If an earnest Christian, who cares more for discovering Divine truth than for the tradition of men, ventures to point out the incongruities of such fellowship he is pounced upon with charges of religious bigotry and racial prejudice.