Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 2

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 2

THIS IS THE SECOND IN A SERIES OF MONTHLY TEACHING LETTERS. If you did not get my first letter #1; 5-98, please send me $2.00 and I will send you a copy. All back issues will be $2.00 each. I will continue to use the same format that I started with. As I told you in my first teaching letter, this is a new ministry for me. I will continue to get this Teaching Letter out each month, Yahweh willing. I will also be writing booklets from time to time which I will offer you as I complete them. I have one that is almost ready but I want to do a little touch-up on it before I present it. I have another one in the works for which I believe you will be excited.

At this point in time, I am getting my blood pressure surges under control, and if all goes well, I will be writing for some time to come. I am thinking of purchasing a new or good used copier as the one I presently have was not made for the long runs like I have been doing. The copier I now have is a good one but was only designed for personal and limited office use.

Now Continuing The Topic: