Winston Churchill Was Bankers’ Puppet

Winston Churchill Was Bankers’ Puppet

THIS VERSION OF THE “V” SALUTE IS A GREETING BY RABBIS IN THE HEBREW TRADITION. The hand split down the centre represents the 2 fingers on each side of the “V” in deVil, as the initials DE and IL represent the fingers.” See also Leonard Nimoy’s Vulcan sign is Invocation of the Devil

Winston Churchill who led Britain into two world wars with his famous “victory” salute is still revered by many people. In a recent rigged newspaper poll, he was voted Britain’s greatest Englishman.

Churchill was a long-term Zionist puppet and served their interest before that of Britain. He was a Druid priest, a 33rd degree Mason and member of the Golden Dawn. Masonry is a secret elitist anti-democratic anti-Christian satanic cult.