American Bar Association

American Bar Association

THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION (AND ITS STATE ALTER-EGOS) HAS, FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, taken over our entire federal, state, and local governments. The legislative branch follows the advice of their BAR member advisors in the constructing of statutes. The executive branch does the same in the enforcement of those statutes. The judicial branch is literally a closed union shop in that regard. You can’t be a judge unless you are BAR member and you can’t practice in their courts unless you are a BAR member.

The term “BAR” is an acronym for British Accredited Registry [see comments below]. These snakes are in fact working for the Crown of England. And that is why the gold fringed flags are in the courtrooms. It signifies admiralty jurisdiction* [maritime law], which is another way of saying British jurisdiction [England is a maritime nation]. When you cross the bar in a courtroom, you are entering a British colonial forum.

There are over 30 grievances listed against the King of England in the Declaration of Independence (1776). Nearly all of them are applicable today against the Crown of England via the BAR Association. If you don’t have a copy, get one and read it. Each grievance therein begins with “He” (in reference to the King). As you read through the grievances, mentally supplant “He” with “BAR Association, on behalf of the Crown of England” and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

The root for the term “attorney” originates in Sanskrit (the oldest known language) and its original meaning was “to turn or to twist”. That meaning carried forward largely unaltered into the English language. The letter “a”, when used as a word, is defined as “an indefinite article” and when used as a prefix it equates with the word “one” (indefinite article) which modifies the base word (torn) accordingly—as does the suffix “ey”.