911 Attack – Rhome

911 Attack – Rhome

WE OFFER THIS ARTICLE WITH PRAYER AND CONCERN for the innocent victims of oppression, especially those who had no part in the plans and aims of their leaders.  May God bless the victims of all atrocities — from Ruby Ridge and Chechnya and Mt. Carmel; all the way to Occupied Palestine (and now, Iraq – and possibly Iran), and sadly but predictably to New York and Washington.  These victims may now rest in peace.  We, however, shall have no peace until significant changes occur in the hearts and minds of Americans and their government, and when justice and fair play become components in our presently misguided and dangerous foreign policies.

Change is inexorable and inevitable. Yesterday and today do not necessarily predict tomorrow.  The status quo is never static; it only seems so.  “Throughout all aspects of human history, great pivotal events have caught most people unaware.  We all tend to become seduced and hypnotized by the status quo.  We inherently extrapolate the present into the future, relying on linear assumptions in a non-linear world.  Because something looks stable today, we usually tend to naturally assume that it will remain the same tomorrow.” [Adam Hamilton, Gold Eagle Digest]