Wednesday Night Bible Study – 6th May

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 6th May

QUESTION: The Urim and Thummim are they for the church? Could you use them?

ANSWER: No, No, they were for the High Priests only, and operated with immediate spiritual reaction. A King could only apply for an answer, and ask the High Priest to ask the question and use the Urim and Thummim, but Saul was not using it properly at that time and that was why it would not work. I don’t want to get into the areas of occultism.

However as far as spiritual forces are concerned this was a Divine operation. But Lucifer duplicates this kind of thing, and a Weegie Board that she mentioned is a Satanic operation, and it operates on a trilogy of function. It takes two people as a rule who catalyse their energies which are opposite and polarized, and then a familiar spirit moves the operation entirely. A Weegie Board should not be allowed in the home of Christians for it is a part of the function of Witchcraft. But as far as Saul was concerned, Saul just wasn’t getting any answers. He was being liquidated as King and all these things were a part of the pattern of destiny, but this does not have anything to do with Eternal Life. Hasn’t had anything to do with his destiny, he had accomplished his purpose.