Wednesday Night Bible Study – 28th January

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 28th January

QUESTION: Did Moses Marry an Israelite?

ANSWER: Now this answer depends on where you start to qualify people as Israelites. The word “Israel”, Issue ruling with God, thus takes in all Adamites who provide this issue. The fact that Jacobs name was formerly changed to Israel did not start, Israel, as a people. In other words this was a name placed on Jacob’s descendants and was through used constantly and consecutive, but prior to that time both Enoch as well as Seth realized, because God had declared to them, that they were Israel, His issue ruling in earth, that this was their destiny, their commission. So Adam was an Israelite in that he was an issue of God.

The third chapter of the book of Luke establishes this as it traces the genealogy of Jesus back to Seth, the son of Adam who was the son of God. The word, son, is Issue or progeny. Thus when one recognizes this, then the Adamic or White Race is the progeny of God. This is the marked distinction between the white race and other races which existed. There may have been and there is evidence that there were other races besides the Asiatics, and the NEGROES ON THE EARTH, BUT THE Adamic race was strictly the White race.