The Coming Economic Crash

The Coming Economic Crash

TONIGHT WE ARE DISCUSSING SOMETHING WHICH IS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO EVERY STUDENT OF WORLD AFFAIRS. And it surely must be of great and vital interest to every American. Because we are vitally concerned at what is taking place in our nation and what it is that causes a lot of the problems through which we pass. We know that the powers of evil today which seem to be determined to destroy all that is good through out the world continually operate on the side of the ‘left’ and in the field of world Communism. At the same time, those who aid and abet it and seek to finance it are the enemies of Christian civilization.

World Communism does not seem to be as far removed from their desire to control capitalism and gain control of the symbols of wealth as a Communist would naturally be according to his profession. The left-wing seems to be most interested in capturing the gold and the silver, and the wealth of the world as they use these symbols of wealth and power. They are not seeking the repudiate it as much as they are seeking to manipulate the wealth of the world, and to gain control over it.

There are many things through out the scriptures, and Jesus said that it is given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, to THEM it is NOT given. And when we speak thus, we are speaking of the children of the Kingdom, the people of your race, the Household that HE called. The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel which He referred to, were none other than the sheep of HIS pasture. He was not talking about the Jews, as He said on Solomon’s porch ’YE ARE NOT MY SHEEP.