I create Evil

I create Evil

IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTRE DEMOLITION, THERE ARE MANY QUESTIONS THAT PEOPLE ARE ASKING. The most common question is, “Why did God allow it”? Very few are acknowledging any possibility that God did it, because if they did, they would be going against the popular flow. We will make some examination into the verse below that literally says, “God did it”.

Isaiah 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these”.

In this short verse, there are several different verbs translated as, “form”, “create”, “make” and “do”. These are all in what language experts call the “participle active mood”. A definition of this mood is as follows, “The participle represents an action or condition in its unbroken continuity, and corresponds to the English verb, “to be” with the present participle. It may be used of present, past or future time”. From the use of these verbs, together with the associated nouns, we can see that these facts never change. What God does in a given situation never changes.